INFOGRAPHIC: Blockchain and Healthcare

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by empowering patients with control over their data, restoring trust in health care, and improving overall quality of care. Here's how:

Data Privacy and Ownership

Blockchain's cryptographic nature ensures patient data remains secure, tamper-proof, and private, while giving patients more control over their data and how it is used.


Seamless and secure data sharing among healthcare providers ensures more informed decision-making and improved patient care.

Drug Traceability

Tracking drugs from manufacturers to patients with an immutable blockchain helps ensure authenticity while reducing counterfeit medications.

Health Research

The decentralized science (DeSci) movement is ushering in a new era of medical research focused on the public good and driven by transparency and open access.

Smart Contract Automation

Smart contracts can help automate key inefficiencies in health care including insurance billing, access to electronic health records, and managing patient consent.

Credential Verification

Quick access to tamper-proof verification of medical professionals' credentials reduces malpractice and ensures high quality patient care.

Incentivizing Healthy Actions

Tokens can be used to incentivize individuals to adopt healthy behaviors such as exercising regularly or quitting smoking, by rewarding them for these actions.

Electronic Health Records

Easier access to EHRs while ensuring data integrity, security, and interoperability, and empowering patients with control over their personal medical info.

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