Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 98 - JennyCo - Building the world’s first Healthcare Data Exchange powered by Web3

In episode 98, we’re excited to welcome Jenny Diggles and Dr. Michael Nova, Co-Founders of JennyCo, the world’s first Web3 healthcare data exchange. We discuss how blockchain can give patients ownership over their healthcare data, using crypto tokenomics to reward patients for their participation in the healthcare data economy, how Web3 can disrupt the massive healthcare sector, and much more.

Three Key Takeaways

  • A third of all data created worldwide is healthcare data. This data primarily benefits large institutions such as big pharma, insurance companies, etc., but it rarely benefits the patient themselves. Web3 can change this by giving patients ownership over their healthcare data.

  • Web3 can empower patients to engage in their own health care by using crypto tokenomics to incentivize participation in studies and healthy activities. Patients can then use the rewards they earned to purchase healthcare services and products.

  • Healthcare records are disjointed and lack interoperability. Blockchain can help by creating an immutable and secure source for the storage and sharing of medical data.

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Episode Time Stamps

02:15 - What was your “Ah hah” moment that got you excited about cryptocurrency and web3 in the beginning?

06:50 - To help lay the ground work – I understand that daily, 1/3 of all the world’s generated data (~400 exabytes) is healthcare-related. Who currently benefits from all this data that is being generated?

10:30 - On your website you mention how “JennyCo is focused on correcting the imbalances in the healthcare data marketplace by supporting individual ownership of healthcare information with direct compensation.” Can you please tell me more about this and give listeners an intro to the work JennyCo is doing to resolve this?

13:35 - One of the challenges around healthcare data is security. How can blockchain help ensure sensitive patient data is kept secure?

18:30 - I understand that you will be incentivizing individuals to participate in studies and share their data by providing rewards in cryptocurrency – tell me more about this.

20:30 - I understand that you are also working to become a DAO – tell me more about this and how the governance will be structured.

24:40 - Beyond just the data collection, I understand that you are also looking to use this data to provide personalized health recommendations to users – tell me more about this.

28:20 - What would the healthcare ecosystem look like in 10 years if healthcare providers and research begun embracing Web3 tools today?

34:10 - What’s the best way for listeners to learn more about JennyCo?

35:15 - To wrap things up, if you could name one thing that excites you most about the social impact potential of web3, what would it be and why?

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