Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 5 - Crypto vs. Climate Change

For far too long, the prevailing narrative has focused on the negative aspects of crypto and blockchain as it related to climate change. However, not often discussed are the many ways that this revolutionary technology can, play an essential role in combatting and adapting to climate change in the future.

In this episode, we briefly examine some of the use cases when it comes to utilizing cryptocurrency and blockchain to combat and adapt to climate change. First, we look at the role blockchain can play at creating greater transparency and accountability related to the environment. Second, we look at the role DeFI can play in creating more efficient and environmentally friendly financial services. Third, we look at climate finance, and some of the innovative projects looking to disrupt climate finance. Finally, although there is much that can be done to stop and reverse climate change, there has already been some irreversible damage, and thus, we look at how blockchain and cryptocurrency can support vulnerable populations who are most susceptible to the impacts of climate change.


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