Tokenizing social impact: highlighting the research of Emergence

Michael Cooper


The use of tokens for social impact is growing in complexity without sufficient evidence driven guidance to inform use.

Tokens are already being used for simple functions like vouchers for goods and services within humanitarian interventions and to provide individuals with more equitable identification for access to things like decentralized finance.  These functions are simple in that they are not dependent on the token for more complex behavior change to achieve the desired social outcome. However, as tokens are used in more complex ways (i.e. requiring greater levels/types of behavior change) to achieve social impact at scale, a Token Utility Framework will be required that correlates token design with behavioral outcomes as part of larger social impact interventions seeking a desired social impact.

This Token Utility Framework will require common understanding and terminology on 1.) what tokens are, 2.) how they can facilitate specific types of outcomes, 3.) what outcomes specific token designs are optimal for and 4.) how to design interventions that make optimal use of a token.

This token Utility Framework will be a living thing and could become more and more of a priority as blockchain technology permeates and transforms social dynamics in developing contexts.  Given that the application of technology has always outpaced the principles for possible use, it is important to begin building this framework now before blockchain is mis-used at greater and greater scales.  To that end, we have begun a series of blogs to explore:

  1. How tokens can be used for social impact as part of larger interventions?

  2. How tokens can be measured and optimized as part of larger interventions?

  3. What skill sets, processes and protocols are required to achieve this? 

This series will focus on real-life use cases and emerging evidence to demonstrate the value-add of tokens in answering these three questions. To do this Emergence partnered with colleagues from Fishcoin, Notre Dame and Cardiff University, service providers like DAI and experts from the Vienna Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics

This community was chosen because they represent the skill sets and experience required to develop the initial protocols and processes to achieve a Token Learning Agenda and it is the hope that this is the genesis of a larger Community of Practice devoted to the responsible use of tokens for social impact at scale. 

We will be disseminating blog posts, publishing in journals, developing podcasts and taking parts in webinars, conferences, etc., all in an effort to build a discussion and Community of Practice aimed at creating a Token Learning Agenda that can be used as a public resource to guide responsible use and valuable evidence for tokenizing social impact.  We hope you will join us in this discussion and contribute as you can, our doors are always open.

Stay tuned to this space as we will be providing updates as new materials become available.

You can learn more about Emergence and view future blog posts here.


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