Six great resources to help non-profits adapt to new technological innovations

The world is changing at a rapid pace, largely driven by new technological innovations, one of which is the exponential growth of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Just like businesses, non-profit organizations will need to learn to adapt to this new world, and embrace new technological innovations, or risk being left behind.

We have seen how blockchain and cryptocurrency, and technology more broadly, can impact almost all aspects of a non-profit’s operations including fundraising, client engagement, data collection and analysis, and service provision. In a competitive social impact sector, non-profits will need to build their technological competency, or else they simply won’t be able to keep with other organizations who are able to fundraise more effectively and deliver their services more efficiently.

To help your organization learn about and adapt to the new technological realities of today, I’ve compiled a list of six great resources exploring the intersection of technology and social impact. This is by no means an exhaustive list, nor is it specific to just blockchain and cryptocurrency. Rather, it is a starting point with some accessible and high-quality resources to get you and your organization thinking about the important and disruptive technological forces shaping the non-profit sector.


1. TechSoup – Non-Profit Tech Articles and How-tos

Probably the most comprehensive resource I’m aware of when it comes to technology and non-profits is TechSoup. TechSoup is a global non-profit that helps charities and other non-profits learn about and gain access to technology to help their organizations thrive. In addition to their consulting and professional services, they have an excellent resource library containing articles and how-tos on pretty much everything tech-related you can think of, from cloud computing to cyber-security, and everything in between.


2. Bitcoin and the Future of Fundraising

Bitcoin and the Future of Fundraising, by Anne Connelly and Jason Shim, provides a great introduction to cryptocurrencies, the benefits of setting up a cryptocurrency donation program, and how to start accepting cryptocurrency donations. Additionally, this book does a great overview of the new segment of donors that are looking to contribute to charitable causes via cryptocurrency donations.


3. Technovation with Peter High

Though not specific to the non-profit sector, Technovation offers high quality, bi-weekly podcasts exploring the intersection of business, technology and innovation. For each episode, they bring in an expert guest to discuss a specific tech innovation trend, and how it can be applied to the business world. Although this podcast is not tailored specifically to non-profits, the lessons can easily be applied to the social impact sector.


4. The Business of Changing the World: How Billionaires, Tech Disrupters, and Social Entrepreneurs Are Transforming the Global Aid Industry

This inspiring book by Raj Kumar looks at the broader disruptions taking place in the social impact sector, and how we can capitalize on these innovative and non-traditional forces to increase the efficacy of the social impact sector. The book highlights some exciting social entrepreneurship start-ups that are using technology and innovations to drive social impact today!


5. Charity Village

Charity Village is a one-stop-shop for those in the charitable sector. It offers amazing educational resources such as courses and a library of high-quality articles, and resources on governance and policymaking related to the charitable sector. The IT section of their Management and Governance resource library has some great introductory articles exploring the intersection between charities and technology, and how charities can capitalize on tech innovations to increase their impact.


6. Raise and Rise: Funding Sources for Your Startup in the Era of Digital Transformation & Blockchain

This book by Victoria Silchenko isn’t specific to non-profit start-ups, but to start-ups more generally. That being said, similar to the Technovation podcast highlighted above, the information presented is still highly relevant and applicable to the non-profit sector. This book focus on how to raise funds in the new digital economy, and covers a number of sources of start-up funding including crowdfunding and blockchain-based fundraising.

What are some of your favourite resources on the intersection between tech and social impact? Tweet us at @Crypto_Altruism, we’d love to hear from you.


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