INFOGRAPHIC: Decentralized Science vs. Traditional Science

How Web3 will disrupt scientific discovery

Traditional Science

Institutional Governance

Scientific research is typically overseen by a centralized body such as a pharmaceutical company, university research board, or corporate funder.

Precarious Funding

Funding can be unreliable and at the whims of large institutional funders. Scientists must often allocate significant time to seeking out grants and fundraising partnerships.

Restricted Data Access

It can be hard (and expensive) for scientists to gain access to important data to inform their research. This can slow down the research process and make it difficult to reproduce scientific studies.

Research Driven By Profit

Research is often driven by profit and the research biases of large institutions, instead of what is truly in the public good. This funnels money to research most likely to generate a profit.

Centralized Compensation

A large portion of the proceeds from research goes to centralized intermediaries such as scientific journals and research institutions, while scientists and peer reviewers get the leftovers.

Decentralized Science

Community Governance

DeSci shifts power to scientists and the community. This can take the form of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization  (DAO) where community members have a direct say in what gets funded.

Innovative Funding Models

Web3 presents new funding models for researchers including DAO-based community funds, quadratic funding, and the tokenization of scientific research.

Open Source Data Sharing

DeSci promotes the open sharing of research data, making it easier for scientists to gain access to relevant data and to address the replicability crisis in scientific research.

Research Driven By Public Goods

By taking a community governance approach and introducing new funding models, scientists can focus on researching humanity's most pressing issues, not just those that will generate corporate profits.

Fair Compensation Models

Scientists, peer reviewers, and other stakeholders are fairly compensated for the work they put into their research. Unnecessary intermediaries are removed from the equation.

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