Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 83 - EarthFund - “Changing the world, one DAO at a time”

Crypto Altruism Podcast episode 83 - EarthFund - "Changing the world, one DAO at a time"

In episode 83, we welcome Alex Vergara, Co-Founder of EarthFund, a platform dedicated to using the power of Web3 to create the tools humanity needs to build a better tomorrow and have a real, meaningful voice in our collective future. EarthFund makes it easy for Changemakers to launch their own impact DAOs, to organize communities around their causes, and to raise funds via cryptocurrency in support of their movements. In this episode, we discuss why DAOs can be an important tool for driving social impact, the power of Web3 philanthropy, the exciting future of regenerative finance, and much more.

Three Key Takeaways

  • Web3 and DAOs gives “power to the people” to organize around causes they care about, and the tools to make meaningful change.

  • DAOs are one of many options for communities to enact change. They don’t have to be the only way that causes organize but should be an important tool now and in the future.

  • Web3, cryptocurrency, and blockchain can bring greater transparency and trust to the charitable sector, while helping connect non-profits with a new generation of donors.

Follow Alex and EarthFund:

Twitter - Alex

Twitter - EarthFund




Episode Time Stamps

01:40 - What was your “Ah hah” moment that got you interested in cryptocurrency and web3?

05:10 - On your website, you mention how EarthFund is “Powering the future of doing good.” Tell me about EarthFund and your mission.

06:50 - A big part of your mission is empowering communities to start their own impact DAOs. What is an impact DAO, and tell me about the support and tools you offer to those wanting to start a DAO?

10:45 - What makes DAOs such a powerful tool for social impact?

16:00 - Tell me about the governance of EarthFund.

19:05 - Tell me about the impacts of EarthFund’s work.

22:00 - What’s the long-term vision for EarthFund? Where do you see it in 5-10 years?

24:05 - Why is the Regenerative Finance movement so important? What excites you most about ReFi?

26:00 - I understand you’re also a big fan of Decentralized Science. What excites you about DeSci?

31:05 - What’s the best way for listeners to learn more and get involved with EarthFund?

32:10 - To wrap things up, if you could name one thing that excites you most about the social impact potential of web3, what would it be and why?

Buy me a coffee! ☕

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While we may discuss specific web3 projects or cryptocurrencies on this podcast, please do not take any of this as investment advice, and please make sure to do your own research on potential investment opportunities, or any opportunity. We host a variety of guests on this podcast with the sole purpose of highlighting the social impact use cases of this technology. That being said, Crypto Altruism does not endorse any of these projects, and we recognize that, since this is an emerging sector, some may be operating in regulatory grey areas, and as such, we cannot confirm their legality in the jurisdictions in which they operate, especially as it pertains to decentralized finance protocols. So, before getting involved with any project, it’s important that you do your own research and confirm the legality of the project. More available HERE.


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