Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 47 - Cool Crypto Kids - Using NFTs to raise funds for the Children's Hospital of LA

In this episode, we’re excited to welcome Jay Velasco, Co-Founder and Project Lead for Cool Crypto Kids, an NFT project supporting social impact projects and organizations in collaboration with children’s hospitals, artists, and the community at large. Their first series features children’s artwork turned NFTs, with proceeds benefiting the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. We discuss the vision behind Cool Crypto Kids, and how it all got started, how they’ve turned inspiring children’s art work into beautiful NFTs, the causes they are supporting, now and into the future, and the amazing potential of web3 to drive social impact.

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Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles

Episode Time Stamps

01:18 - What was your “Ah hah” moment that got you interested in cryptocurrency and web3?

04:09 Tell me about Cool Crypto Kids, and how it all got started.

09:24 - Tell me about your first NFT series in support of the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.

11:45 - Tell me about the artists behind the artwork

16:05 - Tell me about how the revenue splitting works from the sales of your NFTs.

20:18 - Tell me about some of the utility behind Cool Crypto Kids NFTs?

22:52 - What is the long-term vision for Cool Crypto Kids?

26:05 - What is the best way for listeners to learn more?

27:43 - To wrap things up, if you could name one thing that excites you most about the social impact potential of web3, what would it be and why?

Buy me a coffee! ☕

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INFOGRAPHIC: 10 Reasons non-profits should embrace crypto philanthropy