Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 45 - Untamed Elephants - Using NFTs to support elephant conservation

In this episode, we're excited to welcome Adam Ghahramani, Founder of Untamed Elephants, a community dedicated to using NFTs, art, and cutting-edge tech to raise money for African and Asian elephants. We discuss how they have raised nearly $75,000 for charities supporting elephants, how they are creating unique engagement opportunities for NFT holders, and the roadmap and long-term vision for this exciting project.

About Untamed Elephants

Untamed Elephants is the first mission-driven NFT PFP project. They have two NFT collections supporting their work - Untamed Elephants, the original, and the more recently minted Untamed Matriarchs.

They work closely with three key elephant charity partners, two focused on African elephants (Save The Elephants and Elephant Crisis Fund) and one on Asian elephants (Saving Ganesh). Rather than simply make donations, they foster a mutual, two-way relationships.

Follow and learn more

Twitter - Adam

Twitter - Untamed Elephants




Episode Time Stamps

01:15 - What was your “Ah hah” moment that got you interested in cryptocurrency and web3?

03:20 - Tell me about Untamed Elephants, and how it all got started.

04:50 - I understand that a core focus of Untamed Elephants is raising funds in support of elephant conservation, and to date you have raised nearly $75,000 in support of this mission. Tell me why you chose this as your focus area.

07:37 - Tell me about some of the non-profit organization’s you’ve partnered with

09:45 - I understand that you recently finished minting a new collection called The Untamed Matriarchs. Tell me about the inspiration behind this collection.

11:48 - I understand that there are various engagement opportunities for holders of Untamed Elephant NFTs, including the ability to participate in an elephant rescue mission in Sri Lanka. Tell me about this.

17:00 - What is the long-term vision for Untamed Elephants?

20:12 - What is the best way for listeners to learn more?

22:00 - To wrap things up, if you could name one thing that excites you most about the social impact potential of web3, what would it be and why?

Buy me a coffee! ☕

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