Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 29 - Angel Protocol - DeFi philanthropy and charitable endowments

In this episode, we are joined today by Tim Stirrup from Angel Protocol, an organization empowering charities to take advantage of decentralized financial products to improve their fundraising and their impact. We discuss the future of philanthropy, and how DeFi is flipping the traditional philanthropic sector on its head.

Tim is the Chief Marketing Officer of Angel Protocol. Before his time with Angel Protocol, he had a long career in education, educational technology and edtech investments, with a focus on marketing and communication. As many do, he drifted into crypto as an extension of his investing in the stock market, and was intrigued by some of the mathematics behind it, and in 2017 made his first purchase of Bitcoin. From here he began engaging with the Terra Ecosystem, and in the Spring of 2021, saw a tweet from Chauncy St John, now Founder of Angel Protocol, asking anyone interested in using the Terra blockchain for charity to send him a DM. Well, as you may have guessed, Tim did send him a DM, and here we are today.

About Angel Protocol

Angel Protocol has the mission of creating sustainable income streams for charities. Less than 60% of charities have enough saved in their reserves to cover more than one year of operating costs. Angel Protocol plays a critical role in solving this challenge.

Endowments are a powerful tool that charities use to grow their donations. However, traditional endowments can be expensive to set up, access, and maintain. Angel Protocol has developed a platform providing easy access to low-risk, high-yield endowments that provide charities financial freedom. Donors give once, and give forever.

Follow Angel Protocol and learn more





Tim’s Twitter

Episode Time Stamps

01:40 - What was your “Ah hah” moment that got you interested in cryptocurrency and web3?


04:55 - I’ve always believed that, from my experience, the crypto community is incredibly charitable. What are your thoughts on this?


08:40 - Tell me about Angel Protocol, and how it all started.


12:10 - Why is the word protocol important in DeFi and for Angel Protocol in particular?


16:10 - Tell me about the $HALO governance token, and how it benefits donors and charities.

18:32 - How do you see DeFi as changing the relationship between donor and charity in the future? 

23:40 - What have been the impacts of Angel Protocol so far? (could be numbers on non-profits served, funds raised, testimonials, etc.)

26:16 - Tell me about some of the partnerships you’ve formed and charities you’ve worked with.


33:00 - What is the long-term vision for Angel Protocol? Where do you see it in 5 years?


36:21 - What’s the best way for listeners to learn more about your project?


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