Crypto Altruism Monthly Recap - June

What’s happening in web3 in July?

The web3 community responds to the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the US Supreme Court

On June 24th, in a devastating blow to women’s rights, the US Supreme Court struck down 50 years of precedent established in Roe V. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. As a result, it is likely that about half of US states will ban abortion, impacting the lives of millions of women, and their right to choose what to do with their bodies.

In this blog post, we highlight some of the ways the web3 community has responded, including raising funds to support organizations fighting for reproductive rights, and providing a space for communities to organize.

Most popular blog post of June

10 projects and organizations using the power of web3 to advance LGBTIQ rights

Despite the incredible progress made, there is unfortunately still a long way to go in the fight for LGBTIQ rights.

There are many individuals and collectives who are bringing the fight to web3, and using blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs to advance LGBTIQ rights in and outside of the metaverse.

To celebrate Pride month, we wrote a blog post highlighting ten of these changemakers who are using the power of web3 to support and empower LGBTIQ individuals and communities.

Most popular podcast episode of June

Episode 54 - Etched & Prosocialites - NFTs, the metaverse, and philanthropy 3.0

In this episode, we welcome Ediz Basol and Brett Memsic, Co-Founders of Etched NFT, a platform dedicated to harnessing the power and innovation of web3 to sustainably support charity in the metaverse. Etched has launched charitable NFTs in collaboration with athletes and non-profits, and to-date, has raised over $120,000 for various non-profits. We discuss the power of NFTs and web3 to bring philanthropy and social impact into the metaverse, and what the web3-social impact ecosystem might look like in the future.

Infographic of the Month - Five ways DAOs will revolutionize social impact

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INFORGRAPHIC: Five ways crypto can improve Universal Basic Income (UBI)


Crypto Altruism Podcast Episode 58 - Pride in the Metaverse - How web3 can help advance LGBTIQ rights, ft. Katie from OutRight and Hackatao